Sydney’s special qualities

bridge & opera house

Sydney is a special and unique city. It is:

  • blessed with extraordinary natural and environmental assets – beaches, waterways, national parks, mountain wilderness and large parklands and areas of open space;
  • an iconic city, with natural and man-made features recognised the world over-Blue Mountains World Heritage area, coastal cliffs and beaches, ferries, Sydney Harbour, Opera House, Harbour Bridge and a spectacular CBD;
  • a city with an unrivalled quality of life-mild weather, opportunities for outdoor recreation and leisure, good services, great food and entertainment;
  • the first choice for international headquarters in the South Pacific, a focus for Australian and international firms in finance and legal services, information technology, media, advertising and design and the gateway to international travel and transactions;
  • economically strong with a highly educated and well trained labour force, the highest incomes, lowest unemployment and highest share of advanced business servic! e jobs in export related industries of the state capitals in Australia;
  • an extensive and solid base of infrastructure-the largest rail network of any city in Australia, an extensive orbital road network, an airport and port close to the business hub of the city and a world class health and education system; and
  • a culturally rich and diverse city with 180 different ethnic groups and over 140 languages spoken. The city is open to new ideas and influences and impacts positively on our reputation overseas and our ability for international trade.

Sydney’s future status is not guaranteed. It is the responsibility of the Government to plan for the future to ensure the things that people love about Sydney are protected, enhanced and shared by all and that its future economic prosperity is safeguarded. To do this requires an understanding of some significant trends and drivers which affect the city’s prospects.